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Careers, pathways and Employability

At Hazeley as well as providing students with the opportunity and support to achieve great qualifications, we also believe in developing Character, Confidence and Creativity in our students to ensure they leave us as rounded young people, who are ready to be successful, happy and Contribute in the wider Community and beyond.  Part of this is ensuring students are provided with impartial careers information, advice and guidance from Year 8 to 12 which happens through the curriculum, workshops, presentations, workshops and pathways meetings.

As part of the Wellbeing and Enrichment programme and through their curriculum lessons our students will learn about self-awareness, how to explore options, learn about employability and soft skills. They will also develop the confidence to make informed decisions.

Students will be able

  • To identify their strengths and areas for development within in skills, attitudes and abilities
  • To be career aware and therefore take responsibility for their career pathway
  • To make timely informed decisions about their future
  • To use the opportunities provided to prepare them for a working life

Students in Year 7-11 will have a one to one meeting with a Careers Advisor, Form Tutor, Progress Leader or a member of the Pathways team to support with plotting their career pathway. This meeting will set targets to support the students with their decisions. Students with statements or EHC plans will also be supported throughout decision-making processes.



All students in Year 7-13 have access to Unifrog, this is a web based tool that students are registered on. Over their time at Hazeley they will use this to record their activities and the competencies they develop, which will show all the soft interpersonal skills they need for the world of work. They will be able to search pathways for post 16 and post 18 - this includes Sixth form, College, Apprenticeships and Universities. Their form tutors will use the information on Unifrog for their pathway conversations and to support their decision making for GCSE, Post 16 and Post 18.

Introduction to Unifrog 

Work Experience - Year 10 

All students in year 10 have the opportunity to do a week’s work placement. This needs to be arranged independently. There is a database with our external partner Proactive where students can search for companies who have previously taken work experience students.

Completing work experience gives students an opportunity to experience the world of work and develop the skills and qualities they need to thrive in the work place.

ProActive - Application form

ProActive Parent Presentation 

Interview Hints and Tips

Business Phone Etiquette

Recommended Websites  For year 8 students - this will provide information about how to choose GCSE subjects.  - suitable for students in years 8, 9 and 10.  They will be able to take the quiz to find out which job might suit them. This will help students to explore different careers and industries through videos and articles about the world of work. - suitable for students in years 8 and 9. Gives advice on careers choices and career suggestions. - suitable for students in all years. Students can watch videos of people in different jobs.   - suitable for students in all years. This website provides information about different jobs and the labour market. Students can also create an account and use the Skills Health Check to discover their strengths and how these might be matched in the world of work. Students will be able to access independent, professional advice on skills, training and careers. - suitable for students in Years 10 and 11. Provides advice on work experience, careers, choosing A level subjects and beyond. There are also a variety of workshops which can be used to prepare students for their chosen pathway. - suitable for students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13. Students will be able to find out about different apprenticeships and how to apply.  - students can use their personal login to research options at post 16 and 18 and work through the different tools to help them prepare for their future pathway. - suitable for students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13. This site will provide league tables of the best universities, allowing students to compare universities, courses, prospects and career options.  - suitable for students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13. Students will be able to compare universities and make a decision on which is best for them. - suitable for students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13. Provides information about pathways other than university. It has information about apprenticeships, distance learning, voluntary work, jobs, training and gap years.

Labour Market Information - School Labour Market Information (

Measuring success

We measure success through use of the Compass Evaluation tool, our destination data and Unifrog data as well as student, parent and employer feedback.

Provider Access Policy statement and Careers Policy document

To view our Policy Statement on Provider Access and - please click on the following link -  Policy Statement on Provider Access

Who to Contact

For more information please contact:

Telephone - 01908 555620