Computer Science
Year 7 and 8
The curriculum is aimed at developing students’ creativity and computational thinking skills, which would make them capable of surviving in the present technological innovations and then changing their world.
Our curriculum has been designed to ensure learners develop the basic concept of information communication technology skills, such as how to log onto the school system; using technology responsibly, safely, and respectfully; using applications such as Teams, emails, OneDrive, PowerPoint, Word, and Spreadsheet. Learners also explore the basic understanding of computer system, hardware, software, and how computers work; computational skills; one graphical programming language such as Scratch; and two text-based programming languages, Small Basics and Python. learners are able to design, build, and evaluate project that solve real-world problems. The intent of this k curriculum, allows learners to explore, discover and present information independently.
Level 2 and 3 Qualifications
Our curriculum is built on the strong foundation provided to students in Years 7 and 8. The curriculum is a recurring one, which gives opportunity for consolidation of knowledge, ensuring all learners’ interest and needs are accommodated. Our rich curriculum gives learners the opportunity to develop capability and competence in problem-solving, communication, critical thinking, programming techniques, and ethical legal and environmental issues in order to solve real world problems.