Welcome to the Hazeley Academy
The Hazeley Academy opened its doors to a small cohort of students in 2005 and is now a well-established, successful Secondary school and Sixth Form with over 1500 students aged 11-18. Hazeley is a proud founder member, along with Shenley Brook End and Priory Rise School of the 5 Dimensions Trust.
Membership provides our students with access to the very best teachers, holistic and academic education as well as improved connectivity with parents and the wider community.
We are proud of the consistently excellent examination results achieved at Hazeley and work hard to ensure we grow a vibrant community of exceptional people, through the development of our 5Cs of Character, Confidence, Creativity, Contributing and Community.
Mr T Nelson - CEO 5 Dimensions Trust
Miss T Whiteman - Head of School
We measure this success not only on academic results but on what Hazeley students go on to achieve after leaving the Academy.
A modern academy, Hazeley offers a vibrant learning environment which students take pride in. This allows us to recruit the very best teachers, who as a results of our ethos, values and focus on staff wellbeing are amongst the happiest and most motivated in the country. These teachers combine high level academic expertise, excellent teaching skills and a real concern for the wellbeing of each and every student.
Our most recent OFSTED in February 2024 highlighted that we have "successfully created a caring culture based on strong routines, excellent relationships, recognition of success and restorative practice. This is highly evident and means that pupils feel extremely safe." Staff also "really value the professional development that they receive. They are confident that the school considers their workload when making decisions about new actions to improve the school further."
Hazeley’s caring, committed staff, parents and Directors work together to ensure we deliver our shared vision and values:
“We aim to grow a vibrant community of exceptional people through our 5Cs of Character, Confidence, Creativity, Contribution and Community”
We have respect, integrity, loyalty, high expectations and resilience. We believe the differences amongst us make us even stronger.
We trust ourselves and each other, we relish taking calculated risks, we understand honest mistakes occur and learn from them together.
We enjoy working together designing, creating and reflecting upon solutions, including how to improve ourselves and each other in so doing making our Academy a truly inspiring place.
We grow through engaging, helping and supporting others; participating in positive causes that make a difference to ourselves and others.
We use our shared values to understand each other, to do the right thing and enable everyone to feel valued and play their part in growing our vibrant community of exceptional people.
We are very proud of The Hazeley Academy and its students and welcome the opportunity to show visitors around our facilities. Please do not hesitate to contact our reception to arrange a tour and see the Academy in action for yourself.
Mr Nelson - CEO 5 Dimensions Trust
Miss Whiteman - Head of School